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It's all a mental game

I’m pretty excited!!!! I was able to go back to work today!!!!!! Yep, I am excited about that because I absolutely love my Club and the...

It's ok to have a 'This is F***ed' moment

It’s Christmas Day, full of Christmas cheer, food, drinks and time with family. A day to be happy and grateful for everything in life....

Superwoman is not in the house

I feel that it’s time that I did a little update on my injury so far and my progress. As a chronic over-achiever, this injury has been...

Things are looking up

Finally, I feel as though I can write a post that isn't all doom and gloom!! This makes me happier than you can imagine. Over the last...

Pain messes with your head

The worst thing about an injury like this is the level of pain you are in and at the same time, still trying to function as a sane and...

A Change of Focus

Well, it’s the day after I got smacked in the face with a reality check of how serious my back injury actually is. To say that I am still...

My experience with overcoming bulimia...

I was asked if I could write a post about my experience with eating disorders and about how I managed to overcome mine. This is something...

When do you finally stand up for yourself

This last week has been an interesting one for me......I hurt my back and have been given no choice by my body but to lay on the couch...

Making a commitment to be consistent

Consistency is so important in our lives. From wanting to achieve weight loss goals, Fitness, health, getting better at your job,...

The next Chapter

When I hit 'publish' on my first book, there were so many mixed emotions. There was excitement for the fact that I had finally finished...

Forced to take time out

Well, it's been quite a boring week for me, having spent most of it in my bed from having been sick. This week has been a big reminder of...

And so it begins!

It's been a busy and exciting weekend! After heading to a conference on Tuesday, I was inspired to stop procrastinating and worrying...

Goddess Coaching with Kris Barling

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