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Why Thursday is the quietest day in the gym.....

Having been in the fitness industry for many years now (about 16 years), I've worked in many gyms. As a Group Fitness Instructor you tend...

Staying on track when s*@t happens

Emotions make us do crazy things right? I can see it now, you're nodding your head so hard it's about to fall off!! Last night I got so...

Getting back into the swing of things

I'm starting to feel like myself again! Bring on 2020 :) In 2019 it felt like my body wasn't really my own. It's not how it started...

Don't just change the physical and expect it to stick

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's that time of year again when everyone is setting new goals, resolutions and making changes to their lives. It's a...

Yummy Plant Based and gluten free Lasagne

Maternity leave is plant based yummies I haven't had much of a chance to write my blog lately, but I'm BACK! My plan is...

What happened next and my final decision

When I suspected that my waters may have broken, I decided to go down to the hospital to make sure that everything was ok. I was very...

When it all changed

It's been quite some time between posts. My focus hasn't been on my writing or on my website, life has just been so crazy and busy!...

Changing your emotional attachment to Food

I was so happy to be back, doing my thing yesterday, speaking about Nutrition and Mindset. I haven’t done a seminar for a while, life has...

Just a few words

I have a tendency to get very passionate.......... I'm a passionate kind of person. When something really makes me tick, it REALLY MAKES...

My Crystal Bed Healing experience

I’ve spent a great deal of effort over the last five years healing myself. Going from suffering from bulimia, anxiety and severe...

I'm not Superwoman

It’s now been about four months since I suffered from my back injury and I am so grateful to my body for how it is healing me up. Despite...

Your kids deserve to be healthy, even if you aren't

What I am about to write in this post is definitely controversial and I daresay will ruffle a few feathers. To be honest I hope that it...

If I had a magical power

What is it about the subject of ‘weight loss’ that makes normally sane and intelligent women lose the plot? Is it society? Is it a lack...

The Missing Ingredient

Getting fitter, leaner, healthier and stronger as a result of your efforts in the gym and by following a healthy nutrition plan feels...

Going Plant Based

I am going to be up front right from the beginning, this particular post will probably upset anybody who is a devout Vegan, for that, I...

Injuries aren't just physical

Anyone who has ever suffered a decent injury or illness will understand that the recovery process isn't just a physical game. It's a...

Goddess Coaching with Kris Barling

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